Looking for Cygnet Yarns? You're in the right place...

You have found us - the only online shop dedicated to supplying Cygnet Yarns and nothing else.

We're Jacquie and Stephanie, who have set this up as an off-shoot of their long-running Needlework and Yarn business. We're not far from Cygnet Yarns HQ & warehouse in Bradford, so restocking is easy!

We have 26 different yarns online already, with the remainder being added over the reast of May 2024. If we don't have it online yet, and Cygnet produce it, a phone call or email can get it ordered for you at no extra cost. We aim to be able to say, "If Cygnet Yarns have it in their warehouse, we have it for sale on this site!"

We are knitters and crocheters ourselves: and we appreciate good value in both product and shipping costs.

And unlike many other online shops, we are humans who actually run a shop, and we are very happy for you to ring us up (01756 753484), or email us (info@cygnetyarnsonline.co.uk) to discuss yarns and take orders over the phone or by email.